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Recipe: Delicious Ultimate iftar II

Ultimate iftar II.

Ultimate iftar II You can have Ultimate iftar II using 7 ingredients and 10 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Ultimate iftar II

  1. It's 7 of medium boiled potatoes.
  2. Prepare 2 of eggs boiled & 1raw.
  3. You need 1 of tspGarlic,coriander,seasonings & turmeric.
  4. It's of Breadcrums.
  5. It's of Oil for frying.
  6. It's 1 of medium onion.
  7. It's of Chili powder.

Ultimate iftar II step by step

  1. Boiled potatoes and egg shredded into bawl.
  2. These are the cooked eggs and are been shreded.
  3. Add in salt to taste coriander power seasoning turmeric and chilli powder.
  4. Add garlic& ginger paste.
  5. Add stir fry onions in and mix it all well.
  6. Mold with hands to give this shape.
  7. Beat the raw egg and put the potatoe in to it and coat with breadcrums.
  8. Refrigerate for 10min to became firm.
  9. Heat oil at medium flame to fry.
  10. And its done enjoy with dippn sauce whike having some chilled juice beside.


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